
Directed by Kenji Tsukamoto
Documentary | 86 Minutes | English, Japanese with English subtitles | New England Premier

ASHIMA is an intimate portrait of elite rock climber Ashima Shiraishi as she travels to South Africa to try to become the youngest person in the world to climb a V14 graded boulder problem. Accompanying Ashima is Poppo, an eccentric, hermit-like, retired avante garde dancer, who also happens to be her father. Emotional and rooted in character, ASHIMA is a love letter not only to climbing, but to immigrant parents and the realization of the American Dream.


Advisory: Smoking

Director’s Bio – Kenji Tsukamoto

Born in Fukushima, Japan, Kenji moved to America as a child where his family relocated frequently across the country. Having been immersed in various cultures both in the United States and Japan during his formative years, Kenji offers a distinct point of view in his storytelling. As a third culture kid, Kenji found a kindred spirit in the world renown climber Ashima Shiraishi, who became the subject of his first feature film.